Time Traveler's Tales
History of Socialism All over the Planet
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Starting points of Socialism
Socialism as a philosophy was created by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels in the nineteenth 100 years. Their work, The Socialist Statement (1848), established the groundwork for socialist developments around the world. The principal fruitful socialist upheaval occurred in Russia (1917) under Vladimir Lenin, prompting the arrangement of the Soviet Association (USSR).
Significant Socialist Nations and Pioneers
1. Soviet Association
Leader(s): Vladimir Lenin, Joseph Stalin, Nikita Khrushchev, Leonid Brezhnev, Mikhail Gorbachev
Party: Socialist Coalition of the Soviet Association (CPSU)
Influence: USSR was the primary socialist state and assumed a key part in spreading socialism worldwide. It imploded in 1991, prompting the finish of the Virus War.
2. China
Leader(s): Mao Zedong, Deng Xiaoping, Xi Jinping
Party: Socialist Coalition of China (CPC)
Influence: Laid out in 1949, China stays a prevailing socialist power today, mixing socialist philosophy with market-based changes.
3. Cuba
Leader(s): Fidel Castro, Raúl Castro, Miguel Díaz-Canel
Party: Socialist Coalition of Cuba (PCC)
Influence: After the 1959 Cuban Insurgency, Cuba turned into a one-party socialist state and has remained so in spite of financial difficulties.
4. North Korea
Leader(s): Kim Il-sung, Kim Jong-il, Kim Jong-un
Party: Laborers' Party of Korea (WPK)
Influence: North Korea follows an unbending socialist design, overwhelmed by the decision Kim tradition.
5. Vietnam
Leader(s): Ho Chi Minh, Nguyễn Phú Trọng
Party: Socialist Coalition of Vietnam (CPV)
Influence: The Vietnam War prompted the unification of the country under socialist rule in 1976.
6. Other Socialist Countries
Laos Socialist Coalition: Lao Individuals' Progressive Party (LPRP)
Cambodia 1975-1979) - Khmer Rouge, drove by Pol Pot
Yugoslavia 1945-1992) - Drove by Josip Broz Tito
East Germany 1949-1990) - Communist Solidarity Party of Germany (SED)
Rundown of Socialist Coalitions Around the world
Socialist Coalition of the Soviet Association (CPSU) - USSR
Socialist Coalition of China (CPC) - China
Socialist Coalition of Cuba (PCC) - Cuba
Laborers' Party of Korea (WPK) - North Korea
Socialist Coalition of Vietnam (CPV) - Vietnam
Lao Individuals' Progressive Party (LPRP) - Laos
Socialist Coalition of India (CPI) and Socialist Faction of India (communist) (CPI-M) - India
French Socialist Coalition (PCF) - France
German Socialist Coalition (KPD, later SED in East Germany) - Germany
Italian Socialist Coalition (PCI) - Italy
Fall of Socialism
A few socialist governments collapsed between 1989 and 1991, starting with the fall of the Berlin Wall (1989) and ending with the dissolution of the Soviet Association (1991). Today, only a few countries like China, North Korea, Cuba, Vietnam, and Laos have socialist government.
End (निष्कर्ष)
Socialism has impacted world history, given birth to wars, revolutions, and political ideologies. Although it has lost much in many countries, it is still evolving in countries like China, where economic policies have evolved to fit contemporary realities.
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